1. CMIP6VisR::zone_grid_df
  2. CoSMoS::disch
    Daily streamflow data data
  3. CoSMoS::precip
    Hourly station precipitation data
  4. CSHShydRology::CAN01AD002
    Streamflow data
  5. CSHShydRology::CAN05AA008
  6. CSHShydRology::HYDAT_list
    List of Water Survey of Canada hydrometic stations.
  7. CSHShydRology::flowAtlantic
    Annual maxima from sites in the Atlantic region of Canada
  8. gumboot::flows_1030500
    Observed and simulated flows for a single location
  9. gumboot::hcdn_conus_sites
    Locations of HCDN sites in CONUS
  10. HGDMr::daily_7120951600
    daily basin 7120951600 PHyDAP fluxes